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Search: Google, MSN Search, Dogpile, Ask, AltaVista, Yahoo, Mamma

People Search: Anywho,, WhitePages , Mylife

Classmates Search: Find Classmates

Genealogy, Family Tree Search: Ancestry

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News National: BBC, CNN, MSNBC, USA Today

News Local: INDYstar, Zionsville, Lebanon

Weather:, Intellicast Indianapolis, IN Radar loop

Finance: E*TRADE, Yahoo Finance, TD Ameritrade NYSE, NASDAQ

Government: State of Indiana, U.S. House, U.S. Senate, White House

BMV: Indiana License Branches ...Online Registration

Airport: Indianapolis International Airport, Flight Tracker

Shopping: Internet Superstores:, Barnes and Noble Auction Style: eBay

Computers: Apple, Gateway, DELL

Travel:, Travelocity, Expedia,, Hotwire, Trip Buzz

Indy On-line Directories: Guide to Indianapolis, INtake

Music: 104.5 Jack FM-Classic hits, WFMS 95.5-Country, WIKL 90.5-KLOVE Christian Radio, and my favorites ...Pandora or Spotify ...pick your own music style.

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